
About Pristine Carpet Services

Pristine Carpet Cleaning services has recently been created by a family interested in small business expansion. A loving family with  different sets of life skills coming together with the knowledge in different aspects of Business to create a business surrounding their current positions in the work force (All family members working for different cleaning businesses in the past).

We have set ourselves the goal of becoming a well-known and reliable company in the future and set out to be the most cost-efficient as well as most trusted business in our district for the services that we provide. We hope that our enthusiasm as well as skills in the industry well grasp hold of your company from here on out.

Our Objective

Insurance and regulations

Pristine Cleaning services will furnish all forms of insurance required by the law and shall maintain the same is full force and effect. Included but not limited to:

Pristine Carpet Cleaning Services will comply with all regulations in Australia and procedures pertaining to all cleaning services.

Employee Status and Equal Opportunity Employer

All personnel supplied by Pristine Carpet Cleaning Services are deemed employees of Pristine Carpet Cleaning Services.

Pristine Carpet Cleaning Services is an Equal Opportunity. All necessary employment forms and background checks on its employees and/or subcontractors are maintained as required by law. All forms are available upon its request at any time.

Materials & Supplies

Pristine Cleaning Services prides itself in the tools and equipment used to provide its services.

Pristine Cleaning Services will furnish and maintain all necessary cleaning equipment inclusive of but not limited to vacuums, mops, sponges, buckets and solutions. 

If a company chooses to provide its own tools and/or equipment to complete a job that is also accepted.

Schedule of Service

Our cleaning operations described in the comprehensive proposal will be completed based on your requirements.

Our cleaning crew will always take in to account public holidays and or any personal events listed by the client. Pristine Cleaning Services will adapt its cleaning schedules to coincide with the needs of the client if the schedule change does not alter the costs of the operations provided by Pristine Cleaning Services.

A precise cleaning service schedule will be personally developed for the client, two weeks after acceptance of proposal and completed “Services being provided form” filled in. The following schedule will be completed free of charge and delivered in the way of clients choice.

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